The Pontifical Mission Societies include the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Holy Childhood Association, the Society of St. Peter Apostle, and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious. These Societies promote a prayerful missionary spirit among baptized Catholics and to gather a fund of support for the evangelizing and pastoral programs of more than 1,150 local churches of the Developing World.

Monday, October 13, 2014

World Mission Sunday 2014

"Let us pray through the intercession of Mary, the model of humble and joyful evangelization, that the Church may become a welcoming home, a mother for all peoples and the source of rebirth for our world." - Pope Francis

To view a video on the missions click here: Mission Mongolia

A letter from the Holy Father-click here: Pope Francis on Missions

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Society for the Propagation
of the Faith and our vital work in 1,150 dioceses throughout the world.
Your generosity makes it possible for missionaries, local priests,
catechists and pastoral workers to reach out in the name of Jesus to
communities and families in need.
“The Church is called to transmit the joy of the Lord to her children,” Pope
Francis tells us. And as members of the Church, united as the One Body
of Christ, we are called to support, in prayer and sacrifice, the Church’s
mission to bring that joy to people everywhere — especially, as Pope
Francis urges, “the poorest, the weakest, the least important…”
Thank you for your generosity.
Very Reverend Andrew Small, OMI
National Director

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